How can we help you?
The aim of our work is to enable people who are blind or deafblind or have a hearing and visual impairment to play their part in society with as few restrictions as possible.
Why are you here?
Blind or deafblind?
Affected people face a lot of obstacles in their everyday lives. Our job is to remove as many of these as possible.
Since 1903, we have been working as the umbrella organisation of organisations for the blind and visually impaired in Switzerland to ensure that blind, deafblind, visually impaired and hearing impaired people can organise their everyday lives independently and according to their possibilities.
We accompany and support deaf-blind people and their relatives in coping with their everyday challenges as independently as possible.
And we ensure that blind, visually impaired and deaf-blind people have special auxiliary means at their disposal to make everyday life easier.
«The inclusion of people who are blind or visually impaired is our top priority. Our work is based on this central requirement of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.»

Support is everything
Your donation or your personal commitment will help affected people to live as independently as possible.